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Homework 26

Homework 26

Q Definitions for Chapters 17 and 18 Homework • Points 3 • Submitting a text entry box or a file upload Science classes are similar to foreign language classes. There is a lot of new vocabulary. Students who learn the vocabulary do much better. For this assignment, you are to define all the terms on the vocabulary list. If you already know it, just write down what you already know. The definitions can be short and simple. These lists don't include all the vocabulary for each chapter but they include many of the important terms you need to know. Definitions Chapters 17 and 18.docx Actions Definitions Chapters 17 and 18.pdf Actions

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Vaccination is the administration of a vaccine into a person’s body to provide immunity against an infection. Immunization is a method used in order to protect a person or an animal resistance to diseases. attenuated is the act of weakening or decreasing the content of a virus or a bacterium in the research centers to make it less harmful. Inactivated is the process of removing or putting an end to questionless organic substances. Toxoid is a chemically altered substance known as toxin used to exterminate poisonous substances but can still withhold its capability to activate immunoglobulin production. Adjuvant is a drug or substance that’s is administered to a person or an animal’s body in order to increase the capability of certain types of medicines.